Power Outage

We consider electricity as a necessity mainly because we have become used to it. That is why it is impossible to imagine going back to the old days when there was no electricity. But the fact of the matter is that it doesn’t take much time to adapt to living without electricity. You can use this mindset to make preparation for any emergency that results in a widespread power outage.

Here are a few areas you can work on to learn to live without electricity.

  • Make a list of devices that you use for heating up or cooking your foods.
  • Then you will want to abandon using items that take a lot of power. You may switch the water heater off when you are not using it.
  • You can eliminate duplicate devices. For instance, you may want to choose one device if you are using a microwave, an oven, and a range. A range may be the best option to keep in this regard.
  • You can use devices that do not need electricity. Many devices use gas, solar energy, or other power. You can purchase or make these devices.
  • If you have reached the point where you think it is impossible to cut back any electric devices, you may want to consider downsizing.

You can replace the oven with a toaster oven, which works just as well as a traditional oven. You can also consider using hot plates instead of stovetop elements. Remember, a large element on the stove can take 3000 watts.

A hot plate, on the other hand, doesn’t take more than 1100 walls. It will help you cut the power outage significantly. You can consider having an induction hotplate if you need more heat.


You are going to need to cook your foods to make most of them edible. Here are the devices that you can use in this regard.

  • You can purchase solar-powered devices, such as cookers, solar ovens, and solar dehydrators. A dehydrator can also help preserve foods for a long time.
  • Making fire to cook foods is generally perceived as a waste of natural resources. You can deal with this issue quite nicely if you have got a lot of junk mail or newspaper. You can make paper logs to burn and cook your food.

Preserving foods

If you do not have access to a refrigerator due to any reason whatsoever, you can consider using the following options to preserve your foods.

  • As mentioned above, you can use a solar dehydrator to preserve your foods. It serves as a viable food storage unit when you are not using it to dehydrate foods.
  • You may want to get canned fruits and vegetables if you are concerned about food preservation. To prepare canned foods for eating, you can place those cans above the fire.
  • Another option to preserve foods is to salt them. This process results in the food’s dehydration. Making it fit to be stored for a long time.

These methods of food cooking and preserving should help you get your sustenance even if you are dealing with a widespread power outage.


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